
Welcome to the MakeYourself Challenge!
You have submitted your paypal payment and now its time to finalize registration.
You will need to submit the following:

1. Email address where you wish to recieve your weekly emails to.
****If you do not see an email in your inbox shortly after you subscribe, please be sure to check your spam box and promotional folder before contacting to troubleshoot**

2. Name

3. Transaction ID from your paypal payment. This number is in the TOP RIGHT of the payment receipt email that paypal sends you.
***if using group registration, please have each person fill this our individually using the Transaction ID from the group payment***

4. Shipping Address Including Country

5. Shirt Size

6. Shake Flavor (chocolate, vanilla, cookies and creme)

7. Phone Number

8.Name of the person who referred you or how you found us. Did a friend send you my way? Please let us know! :-) If you found me another way please include that here (FB, IG, etc)


Once you have filled out the info below and you will recieve a confirmation email that requires you to CONFIRM YOUR SUBSCRIPTION to this program. If you don't do this part, you will not get any of the Challenge emails and you will be sad. And I will be sad. SO BE SURE YOU DO IT!

Then get ready because your Challenge email will arrive shortly and your first Challenge Workout will be in your inbox on April 3rd!

Krissy Krash
* indicates required